Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tektonik brings the traffic

When I started MEGAVORE - I put a sitemeter tracker on the blog so that I could see how many people even read this piece of crap. Apparently, not very many, and most of those stumble on this site because of a small picture of some tektonic that I posted awhile back while talking about Deathwish records. Since then, in the few times I've checked the traffic to this site - it seems like most, if not all, is coming from people searching tecktonic or tektonic and finding that image, which leads them here.  Here's an even better one that I found:

That says a lot more about tektonic than it does us, or about the 20 some odd minutes I've probably spent watching effeminate men and women in their cinder block basements and awkward patios, or even cramped living rooms demonstrate their improvisational arm flinging skills.  

Tonight, I found this:

and I decided that I will never search for or watch another tektonic video so long as I live.  I just can't over whether these guys know what song exactly they are dancing to ... either way it is really disturbing.