Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Constable's January Playlist

I thought I'd take a second to document what new or slightly new music I've been particularly fond of in the month of January 2008. 

album: precis
genre: frenchy folky ambient
description: BP sounds like if Andrew Bird and Chris Richards of Ris Paul Ric (also of Q and not U fame) spawned a love child. The music is mostly acoustic, with really quality ambient elements - some songs are just beautiful abstract ambient stuff. The best part of BP is his distinctive haunting sound that I really enjoy. 

genre: unadulterated grimy garage drone hardcore 
description: what stands out to me most about Cobra Noir might not stand out to most: the drumming.  Give these drums a good listen - there is something so pure about the simple yet driving beats that give Cobra Noir to me that push towards authenticity that keeps bringing me back.  Also, their formula of dark garage drone-core is really what I've been looking for these days.

genre: post post core
description: Health sounds like a mix between my all time favorite band as of late - Liars - and another band that just released a horrible 2nd album XRXBX.  I can tell just by listening to these guys that they don't take themselves seriously, but not in an ironic - we're so cool we can make fun of ourselves way, rather in a we have the confidence to experiment with new patterns and sounds sort of way, and that is seriously refreshing.  I will note, there are a few moments that sound a lot like the Locust, which is not a good thing, and on the whole forgivable.

genre: swedish pop-core
description: Johan Hedberg sounds like a mix between Stereo Total and Erlend Oye (the guy from Kings of Convenience).  However, his blend of jingly jangly electronimetrics is enough to have me returning for repeated doses.
genre: post-experimental
description: I keep my recent finds on shuffle and Sightings continually keeps me checking to see who is responsible for the audible splogasm bursting in my ears.  They sound like a mix between Mixel Pixel and Black Dice but really way better than either (or both as you will).  I would even go so far as to replace Mixel Pixel with the Liars.  They are just the kind of diy noise-core type of post-experimental music that I've been looking for these days.

genre: adolescent sentimental core
description: these guys are from France, and they seem to specialize in heavily accented narratives to accompany their caricature-like tributes to gushing teenage sentimentality.  however, The Teenagers are apt to inject all sorts of dirty horny guy take advantage of girl lines.  listen carefully.

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