Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Update: Pitchfork reviews Burial's Untrue

Oozes with self-importance.  Isn't it amazing how well Pitchfork reviews squeezes all of the fun out of music.  Their like, here's why this is like this ... what, you didn't know that, you should read our reviews before you like anything.

The Burial review is well enough, its just the reviewer actually used the phrase "and in doing so smears them into unique shapes."  Thats almost as bad as this line we read from a flyer put out by an SLC-based activist org called Visual Cacophony: " Visual Cacophony is busy fighting the geography of anywhere."  Thats like saying no matter who you are, where you live, what you do, what  you like, we'll find something wrong with you and we will fight it.  This Saturday, they are fighting big box stores by organizing a "Social Sculpture Parade" for people to put small boxes into a big box, to what, symbolize how it takes dozens of small stores to equal the might of a big box store.  I'm sure the visual cacophony resulting from such a symbolic and artistic protest will bring many to tears, and will move all of the broke, self-righteous hipsters involved to keep guilting telling their wealthy not-so-hipster friends to go shop local.  

Anyway, here's the review already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

100% correct.