Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exorcism: Is it in you?

Exorcisms can either be really scary, or really ridiculous.  Thanks to youtube, we can witness how much a modern day exorcism seems like a mixture of a bratty kid's temper tantrum and the WWF. (Ironically, how much do you want to bet that these "possessed" people are in fact desperately lonely?) The following video is one of the best examples.  You owe it to yourself to watch at least until minute 4 ... skip ahead if you have to.

If you really think about it, I'm sure deep down in each of us is a stellar exorcism performance just waiting to come out.  Just think of the beautiful moaning and wailing you could conjure - the deep growly voice - the sacrilegious babble - the jerking and screaming.  I'm extremely confident that I could put on one of the most wonderful possessions/exorcisms in history.  I would stage a mock exorcism and film it were I not afraid of being struck down with lightning for sacrilege.   But if for some reason I do in the future ... I want this guy to do it:

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