Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stephen Colbert and the writers strike

Since early January most of the late night talk shows have come back on the air  - there's been a noticeable decline in quality.  It is obvious that these shows really depend on their writers.  In fact, I can't even watch Conan because he seems so out of place, their show has adapted some rather desperate measures to fill time that would otherwise be filled with well-written comedy.  For example, he's got this new thing where he spins his ring on his desk and they time how long it spins.  The crowd cheers, which is a stark example that most crowds will cheer for anything when the applause sign blinks.  

However, there is one glaring exception: Stephen Colbert.  His show has not diminished one ounce in quality, in fact, it is as funny as it has ever been, if not even sharper.  I almost feel bad for the Daily Show because Jon Stewart is so awkward with his ascorbic cynical babble humor, while Stephen is just as dynamic and fresh as ever.  I'm so proud of Stephen that he can not only single-handedly produce such vibrant comedy, but that he hasn't shied away from showing off his skills when there seems to be some sort of guilt pressure from the writers for hosts to underperform so as to make the case for settling with the writers.

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