Friday, January 25, 2008

Separated at birth: Real Tuesday Weld and Eternal Sunshine Sountrack

Some might say I have a photographic memory when it comes to music, like if I hear similar chord pattern structures in two different songs I can make the link and tie them together. I've already posted a few separated at births - go back and see for yourself.

However, in this case, anyone would have to be lying to say that there is not some egregious malfeasance going on here between the Real Tuesday Weld and Jon Brion. The similarities between these two songs are striking. The whole thing reeks of plagiarism from one side or the other. 

After a cursory investigation, Jon Brion's song was released March 19, 2004, and the RTW's song was releasted August 27, 2007. So I think its apparent who copied who.... go ahead and listen for yourself and decide if I've got a point. In my opinion, I've enjoyed TRTW dating back to 2002, but whenever someone pulls sh*t like this I really can't respect them musically.

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