Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Constable's January Playlist

I thought I'd take a second to document what new or slightly new music I've been particularly fond of in the month of January 2008. 

album: precis
genre: frenchy folky ambient
description: BP sounds like if Andrew Bird and Chris Richards of Ris Paul Ric (also of Q and not U fame) spawned a love child. The music is mostly acoustic, with really quality ambient elements - some songs are just beautiful abstract ambient stuff. The best part of BP is his distinctive haunting sound that I really enjoy. 

genre: unadulterated grimy garage drone hardcore 
description: what stands out to me most about Cobra Noir might not stand out to most: the drumming.  Give these drums a good listen - there is something so pure about the simple yet driving beats that give Cobra Noir to me that push towards authenticity that keeps bringing me back.  Also, their formula of dark garage drone-core is really what I've been looking for these days.

genre: post post core
description: Health sounds like a mix between my all time favorite band as of late - Liars - and another band that just released a horrible 2nd album XRXBX.  I can tell just by listening to these guys that they don't take themselves seriously, but not in an ironic - we're so cool we can make fun of ourselves way, rather in a we have the confidence to experiment with new patterns and sounds sort of way, and that is seriously refreshing.  I will note, there are a few moments that sound a lot like the Locust, which is not a good thing, and on the whole forgivable.

genre: swedish pop-core
description: Johan Hedberg sounds like a mix between Stereo Total and Erlend Oye (the guy from Kings of Convenience).  However, his blend of jingly jangly electronimetrics is enough to have me returning for repeated doses.
genre: post-experimental
description: I keep my recent finds on shuffle and Sightings continually keeps me checking to see who is responsible for the audible splogasm bursting in my ears.  They sound like a mix between Mixel Pixel and Black Dice but really way better than either (or both as you will).  I would even go so far as to replace Mixel Pixel with the Liars.  They are just the kind of diy noise-core type of post-experimental music that I've been looking for these days.

genre: adolescent sentimental core
description: these guys are from France, and they seem to specialize in heavily accented narratives to accompany their caricature-like tributes to gushing teenage sentimentality.  however, The Teenagers are apt to inject all sorts of dirty horny guy take advantage of girl lines.  listen carefully.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Police Beat

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to point out obtuse groups of people and the worthless fruits of their labors, one need not look further than the (anonymous but lame Utah town's name) Police Beat. How so, you ask? Whilst perusing the local paper, I came across a few incandescent nuggets of genius. Quotes are verbatim:
"A male was reported walking suspiciously on and around University Parkway. Officers responded and found the male was just having a difficult day and was simply trying to clear his head."
"A suspicious package addressed to a [police] lieutenant was left on a police car. The package was filled with essays and ramblings difficult to understand. It is currently under investigation."
Need I say more?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Matthew Dear: Deserter

I really enjoyed Matthew Dear's latest album Asa Breed; my favorite track on the album is deserter. This song has this subdued 80's theme to it that is as creepy as it is fragile. I was pleased to stumble across a live video version of the song that I think really demonstrates that Matthew Dear excels where so many electronic artists seemingly cower (bouncing cowering) behind their laptops.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

a metaphysical proposition

I figured my first post would need to be something noteworthy, and since I've just finished watching all 3 seasons of LOST in the past 2 weeks or so, it seems fitting for me to reveal unto the world my latest invention:

Friday, January 25, 2008

Separated at birth: Real Tuesday Weld and Eternal Sunshine Sountrack

Some might say I have a photographic memory when it comes to music, like if I hear similar chord pattern structures in two different songs I can make the link and tie them together. I've already posted a few separated at births - go back and see for yourself.

However, in this case, anyone would have to be lying to say that there is not some egregious malfeasance going on here between the Real Tuesday Weld and Jon Brion. The similarities between these two songs are striking. The whole thing reeks of plagiarism from one side or the other. 

After a cursory investigation, Jon Brion's song was released March 19, 2004, and the RTW's song was releasted August 27, 2007. So I think its apparent who copied who.... go ahead and listen for yourself and decide if I've got a point. In my opinion, I've enjoyed TRTW dating back to 2002, but whenever someone pulls sh*t like this I really can't respect them musically.

The Constable welcomes: manticore

The constable is pleased to welcome manticore to the MEGAVORE squadron.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Goals for 2008

I've been doing a lot of thinking about my goals for 2008.  After a lot of thought, I've come up with a bit of a working list:

1. Try to give new people that I meet the entirely wrong impression about what kind of person I am.

2. I want to start buying vegan hot dogs and real hot dogs and cutting them in half and putting them together to make one hot dog and eating them with half vegan chili and cheese and half processed chili and cheese.

3. Stop being such a PUSSY about taking advantages of really short lines at grocery stores.

4. Find at least one person that I can corner into an intervention.

5. Post in MEGAVORE almost every day.

6. I'm going to put together a book documenting the world of crude bathroom graffiti/etching/notes.  This will require that I keep my camera with me at all times.

7. Spend as little money on deodorant as possible.

8. Take advantage of at least two homeless people.

I might think of some more, but for now, I'm going to work on what I've got so far.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Song: Wolves in the Throne Room: Cleansing

After hearing Wolves in the Throne Room for the first time a few months ago I was hooked. Its amazing that after so many years and hearing so many metal/hardcore bands, there are still bands that can improve the genre. 

Stephen Colbert and the writers strike

Since early January most of the late night talk shows have come back on the air  - there's been a noticeable decline in quality.  It is obvious that these shows really depend on their writers.  In fact, I can't even watch Conan because he seems so out of place, their show has adapted some rather desperate measures to fill time that would otherwise be filled with well-written comedy.  For example, he's got this new thing where he spins his ring on his desk and they time how long it spins.  The crowd cheers, which is a stark example that most crowds will cheer for anything when the applause sign blinks.  

However, there is one glaring exception: Stephen Colbert.  His show has not diminished one ounce in quality, in fact, it is as funny as it has ever been, if not even sharper.  I almost feel bad for the Daily Show because Jon Stewart is so awkward with his ascorbic cynical babble humor, while Stephen is just as dynamic and fresh as ever.  I'm so proud of Stephen that he can not only single-handedly produce such vibrant comedy, but that he hasn't shied away from showing off his skills when there seems to be some sort of guilt pressure from the writers for hosts to underperform so as to make the case for settling with the writers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Introducing: the worst car available on the market today

So I've seen this commercial a lot lately, and each time I see it, I commit myself more and more to the notion that I don't think I could imagine a less attractive car. The features, the looks, even the entire commercial is just so utterly devoid of any style or class that it makes my brain gag, as if I was looking at something that was supposed to be food but it wasn't.

First off, who wants Microsoft to play any part of their car's inner-workings. That is pretty much a guarantee that you will have to take your p.o.s. Milan to get major service within 18 months (most-likely as soon as the warranty expires). Notice the song she has playing, there was probably some trombone playing ska used to be in the planning meeting who insisted to the equally clueless other marketing execs that the song would be "hip."

Second, who wants anything voice control? Do you? If so, you must really have an altered sense of dignity than me and my likes. I personally can't even bring myself to talk to the phone when you call a service number and you get that patronizingly friendly computer voice that says "what do you need help for today?" I'll just sit there and wait for an operator. Stubborn, yes, but the second I start to reply to those kind of dehumanizing scenarios, I feel I will become less human.

Third, this is truly one of the ugliest cars I've ever seen. Just every part about it is as bad, if not worse than Pontiac (yes, pontiac designs suck a.s.s.) I look at it and it looks like something a 70 year old should drive. In fact, this car seems to me to be the Passat for morons with no style. It offers these weird frilly perks that to Passat owners like me come across as enormous red flags.

So, no, I won't be buying a Mercury Milan anytime soon. Nor should you.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Song: Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death - Pigeon Heart

I'm not much of a fan of quirky/artsyfartsy d.i.y. intentionally amateurish music, unless its done as masterfully as TLSAD. Their two albums are rather flawless collections of experimental anthems that are as awkward as they are compelling.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cloning of the lambs....

Just today there was a story about a scientist who has begun the process of cloning himself ...

It looks to me that this guy already has a clone in my favorite radio talk show host Michael Medved:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Constable's schedule just opened up a bit....

So I'm going to start posting regularly now ... I'm not as sad or busy as I used to be.