Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sex Pistols Update via Pitchfork confirmation

Yes, we here at MEGAVORE read pitchfork almost every day. It is an indie-rock music review site full of complete assholes, but it is a good way to find out about new music, and their perspective is intermittently informative.

Today, however, I was pleased to find a similarly estranged commentary regarding the Sex Pistols performance last night on the Tonight Show.

As quoted from PitchforkMedia: "There's this punk rock band, see, called the Sex Pistols, they were a big deal in the 1970s, and last night they played on the "Tonight Show". Watch John Lydon as he shimmies like your drunk uncle onstage at your cousin's wedding. If you've ever identified strongly with this band, you may want to skip this one, or better yet, head over to YouTube to check out old stuff like this. (link to old Sex Pistols performances)

Here's the actual performance so that you can see for yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How exactly are they still doing this?

I think that in a way, there is a part of us deep down at our core that can understand core punk rock. It is a primal defiance to all rules, animosity towards authority, and the ritualistic trespassing of societal mores. We are all human animals and can tap into our innate sense of anarchy. At least we could when we were 15.

"What you say about my mohawk beeitch"

But after the frustrating hormonal surges subside, most of us begin to think more clearly as we gradually begin to understand that the world not quite as we envisioned it at 15, and that even if it isn't quite how we would like it, there are more productive ways to enact the change we wish to seek than churning out angst-ridden bar-chord anthems in our custom tailored jeans and 24 hole docs....
There are, of course, exceptions.  And perhaps the most profound and disturbing exception to the aforementioned notion is Johnny Rotten - the singer of the Sex Pistols who has never seemed willing or wanting to shed his incessantly ascorbic punk philosophy.  Granted, this guy deserves some credit because he started one of the most important punk bands in history ....

"Are you havin a laugh?"

But in reality, this guy is over 50 years old, and he is still performing his beef jerky punk songs about anarchy. Just tonight I saw him on the Tonight Show performing as the Sex Pistols!!!  I'm all for people milking as much money as possible out of what they have done in the past, but there is something kind of sad about watching such old guys play something that is best to be left to 15 year olds. 

"If only Sid could see me now!"

Justice on Jimmy Kimmel

I managed to catch Justice on Jimmy Kimmel last night, which, I have to admit was a rather strange delivery. The idea itself seemed pretty solid ... to have a lip sync band of famous icons like Michael Jackson, Rick James, and Stevie Wonder (I forgot who the guitarist was supposed to be) But after the two guys from justice messed with some ghettoblaster, the song just played as if off a cd, and the lip syncing got down right tedious. In the end, I think it is lazy for electronic artists to not offer even any attempt to pretend like they are somehow involved in the playback process. I can give Justice a point or two for creativity, but I think they miscalculated just how long the song seems for the impersonators to just be syncing. In the end, its nice to see such seemingly indomitable artists make some sort of blunder, after all we're all human after all.

... the shape of MEGAVORE to come

as MEGAVORE (debating whether to pursue an all-caps spelling in the future) slowly metamorphosizes from an amorphous and antagonistic idea into a full-fledged online production, its anonymous progenitors patiently deliberate on the temperament and acidity of their frankenstonian experiment, as well as carefully sculpt the initial content that will shape MEGAVORE forevermore.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

first post

we just created megavore.  it will eventually become a daily blog.